Pesto Walnut Salmon

Pesto Walnut Salmon.jpg

Servings:  4
Skill Level:  Beginner
Total Time:  25 minutes

  • 1 T.         Olive oil or oil of choice

  • 4, 5-6 oz.    Salmon filets, thick cut/belly cut if possible

  • ¼ tsp.         Salt

  • pinch         Pepper

  • 2 T.         Pesto, homemade or brand of choice

  • ½ cup         Walnuts, crushed


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  2. Pour oil into the bottom of a 13 x 9 glass pan or casserole pan that fits all filets.

  3. Place salmon on top of the oil, flesh side facing up.

  4. Season salmon filets with salt and pepper.

  5. Spread ½ T. of pesto onto each salmon filet.

  6. Crush walnuts using a mortar and pestle set OR crush as you see fit (season walnuts with salt). 

  7. Evenly distribute crushed walnuts on top of the pesto. 

  8. Bake 14-18 minutes or until salmon is done. Enjoy!

Serving Size:  one prepared salmon filet 

Nutrition Information:  this protein is rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as the walnuts providing additional omega-3 fats.  Reheat this protein the next day if you have leftovers or eat chilled over a bed of greens and sliced pears.