Coconut Pancakes

Banana Pancakes.JPG

Servings:  3
Skill Level:  Beginner
Total Time:  25 minutes

  • 1 ¼ cup       Milk of choice (recommend whole milk)

  • 1 each         Egg

  • ¾ cup         Pancake mix, Bob’s Red Mill

  • ½ cup         Coconut flakes, shredded

  • 1/8th tsp.    Salt

  • 1/4th tsp.     Cinnamon

  • 1/4th tsp.     Coconut extract

  • for cooking  Butter 


  1. Add all ingredients except for butter into a blender.

  2. Puree until smooth and thickened.  Set aside.

  3. Bring large non-stick pan to medium heat.  Add 2 tsp. of butter.  Coat pan.

  4. Pour 2 pancakes in pan, roughly 6-8 inches in diameter.

  5. Cook for 2-4 minutes until bubbles form. Flip onto other side and cook for another 1-3 minutes.  Set aside.

  6. Prepare remaining pancakes using same method as first 2 pancakes.  Enjoy with toppings of choice. 

Serving Size:  2 pancakes 

Nutrition Information:  using a blender to fully puree a pancake batter is an easy way to thoroughly mix as well as an easy way to pour the batter into a preheated pan.  Pancakes are a great weekend starch alternative that feels both comforting and special.