Banana Smoothie

Banana Smoothie.JPG

Servings:  1
Skill Level:  Beginner
Total Time:  10 minutes

  • 8 oz.         Milk (2% or whole milk recommended)

  • 1 each       Banana, frozen

  • 1 T.         Peanut butter or almond butter

  • ½ T.         Chia seeds

  • ¼ tsp.       Ground cinnamon

  • optional   2-3 ice cubes


  1. Add all ingredients to blender and puree until smooth.

  2. Enjoy!!

Serving Size:  1 smoothie 

Nutrition Information:  if you want to add more ingredients some of the following would be great add-ins:  raw oats, chocolate chips, handful spinach, avocado, etc.