Peanut Butter Chocolate Energy Bites

Servings:  11
Skill Level:  Beginner

Total Time: 10 minutes

  • 1 cup                Oats, rolled

  • 1 cup                Peanut butter

  • ¼ cup              Chia seeds

  • ¼ cup              Chocolate chips and cacao nibs (mix)

  • 1 T.                   Cacao powder

  • 1½ T.                Pure maple syrup or honey


1.     Combine all ingredients into a medium mixing bowl.
2.     Using hands or spatula, combine and stir all ingredients until it forms a dough like texture.
3.     Create 10-12 energy bites, about 1 ½ T. per bite. 
4.     Store in airtight container in fridge or freeze half of the batch until a later date.  Enjoy! 

Serving Size:  1 bite

Nutrition Information:  this is a great afternoon snack or treat after dinner.  Feel free to use almond butter instead of peanut butter or substituting the chia seeds with ground flax.